Cloud Computing is the process of using a network of remote servers hosted on the
internet to store manage and process data rather than a local server or a
personal computer, earlier cloud computing had only three general models
software as a service(SaaS), platform as a service(PaaS), and infrastructure as
a service(IaaS), now cloud computing has XaaS which is (everything as a service)
it also includes Disaster recovery as a service(DaaS), Communication as a
service(CaaS) and network and service(NaaS).
computing is expected to provide the digital infrastructure for smart cities,
with the cloud data is transformed into small data and manage tech virtual data,
less time will be required by applications to process this data. Data will be
better secured and easy to manage because the cloud is centralized the results
of data analysis will be more accurate eighty-three percent of enterprise
workloads will be in the cloud by 2020 fifty percent of IT professionals
believe that AI and machine learning play a significant role in cloud computing
adoption to date growing to 67 percent by 2020.
Job Trends:
hiring for cloud computing is JP Morgan, Honeywell, IBM, Wells Fargo, Google, and Amazon.

Skills Required:
AWS/Azure Certification,
knowledge of Red hat, AWC EC2, VPC, VCN,
DevOps and Automation experience are
the skills required to start a career in cloud computing.